Monday, February 23, 2009

Poor Ruthie.

It all started Sunday morning around 4am. Chris and I awoke to the dreaded sound of vomiting! It was like a jack-in-the-box effect, as Chris and I both jumped from the bed to investigate, which puppy was having an issue. It was sweet Ruth.

Well, she did her thing, we cleaned up and back to bed we went, but that wasn't the end! For the next twenty-four hours Ruth continued to throw-up. We lost track after 25 rounds --- poor girl. She was obviously uncomfortable and sickly. As soon as she would drink, everything would come right back up! This has to be somewhat similiar to when a baby is severely sick. All we could do was sit with her, and help her throw-up. It's heart breaking, really.

Somewhere in the middle of this we discovered that she was trying to get rid of the pieces of a rubber toy she had ingested. We don't know when she ate it or what toy it was, but nonetheless, it needed to come back out! You suddenly realize how much you love them when they are hurting and you are helpless. Chris and I just laid in bed praying that the Lord would help her feel better. Her sad face displayed exactly how she was feeling.

The second night was much of the same, but less frequent. I think Ruthie and I got a total of 1.5 hours of rest. We're all tired, but feel confident that she has turned the corner (just in time before I took her in to see the vet)! Her nose is cold again. She probably had a fever. And her appetite has returned, as well as, her waggle when she walks through the room.

Pray for complete recovery in the next few days along with a sound night's sleep for Mom!

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