Friday, August 19, 2011

New job = sleepy blog

So when I posted last, I had full intention of kicking into high-gear with my blog once again come August. Well, God has surprises planned for us and the current one is a new job.  Actually, it's a dream job --- geometry and algebra I. I have spent the past month going 90 mph with graduate work and moving into a classroom. It's completely exciting to have the exact job you've always wanted. I loved my job before, but this is from the dream category folks.

With lessons to plan and very soon, students to grade, I think I need to be realistic and just admit that blogging is not going to fit in for awhile. Hopefully, you won't completely delete me from your link list, but don't be surprised if posting becomes a quarterly event. I love expounding upon my nothings in this tiny bit of digital journal space, but I'm entering a season of time management and hard work. I need to simplify wherever necessary.

I guess my blog is hibernating. I promise, I'll come back...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

I know I said "spring," well...

Yes, I'm alive. Student teaching and nine credits later, I'm still here. I made it. What an intense season of life that was. Teachers are not joking when they reference their licensing efforts with a grunt. It's hard! As usual, my plans to enjoy a summer off from graduate work before I push for the big finish have changed. Bottom line: I would rather focus on my graduate courses during the summer months when my teaching responsibilities are lighter and life is bit more flexible. Thus, last night I went to my first summer session course. This summer I will take 3 courses. Go me! For the next five weeks I am in class from 4:15-8:15 M-T-W-TH.  Not ideal, but very productive.

I thought I would be posting with visions of this in mind:
And now, I will have to reset my blogging pause-button once again. Come mid-July, the notion of free-time, social outtings, and summer will take a central role in my day again. For now - pause.