Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Break Begins!

Today as we left school, spring break 2009 officially began!  Consider this spring break blog #1. We're not traveling during this vacation, but we plan to stir up some fun locally! Last night we headed to the Carolina Cyclones hockey game just a few miles from our house! Our friends from small group made the game so much fun!  For some of us it was our first hockey game and for others it was old hat.  

CJ & Cy, the mascot, hit it off big time! *note: Cy didn't like Ryan.

I know, they look little.  This was the pee wee in-between game, but they might as well have been the Cyclones.

Okay, look closely and you'll notice a girl in green dancing hardcore. She has been identified as Tatum Fishel, yes I know everyone is shocked! She is one of our friends from church.

L to R, top to bottom. Kate, Laura, Ryan. Chris, Stuart, Stephanie, Aindrea, CJ (what is he doing?). Gwynn & Trip.

Just for you Dad!

See the guy up against the glass, aka Ryan C.  He waited all game for a fight and when it happened, he was right in there!

It was a great night! NC hockey is pretty much the same as the Northern hockey that I grew up with, but a lot less hardcore.  They did sing the Canadian National Anthem, they did boo the refs and they did have people banging on the glass yelling, "fight, fight!"

Thanks to Gwynn and Steph for coming up with the hockey game idea!

1 comment:

Tyler said...

man...i miss those games...however i'm betting the hockey in alaska will be pretty awesome. Enjoy spring break!!!