Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We have poison ivy.

Yes, I am sad to announce that our good intentions for our little backyard have subjected us to the enemy --- poison ivy. Invisible poison ivy nonetheless! It's currently not blooming and we can't find it amongst the English ivy! Prednisone, shmednisone.... this stuff doesn't care about powerful steroids. It is determined to claim the back yard as it's paradise and keep Chris and I out.

Once the rain passes, we will attempt to kill it off, but we are pretty confident that we are getting the poison ivy on us, not from yard work, but from the dogs. They run all over the place in the yard and then I proceed to do what I do everyday --- hug them, pet them, touch them constantly! Keep in mind that dogs are not affected by the poison ivy, so they are fine, but Chris and I can see this going down hill fast!

Pray that we can eliminate it from the backyard easily and quickly! Otherwise, we will advise you to invest your dollars in poison ivy cremes and medications while we increase the consumer market.

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