Friday, August 7, 2009

Bethany's Wedding

I was blessed to be able to fly out to Spokane, Washington to watch my dear childhood friend, Bethany, get married. We experienced gymnastics, high school class office, volleyball seasons and youth group days together. She has spent the last two years in Zambia, Africa with the Peace Corps and while she was there, she met Jeremy Colvin. They both continue to have a heart for the people of Zambia, and will continue to live their working The Choshen Farm.

It was the best wedding I've ever attended. Simple, beautiful and meaningful.

They did a Zambian wedding dance as they left the ceremony!

Signing their marriage license in the apple orchard

Me, Zach & Christy... cheers Ithaca High!

They danced into the reception!

Jeremy washed Beth's feet and presented her with a new Bible to match his, "Bethany Joy Colvin."

Apparently in Zambia they are fierce dancers! This was their version of the cake dance!

Farewell, Mr. & Mrs. Colvin!
Chris and I hope that someday we can go and serve with Beth and Jeremy in Zambia. It would be an amazing experience to go and work the Choshen Farm with them for a few months time. We'll see what God lines up in the years to come.

1 comment:

mackyton said...

Thanks my friend for these details regarding Tasting Australia 2016. The entire event looks quite amazing and fun for all of the guests. At one of the LA venues my cousin got married recently but I couldn’t attend their big day. Everyone is saying that they had a fun time over there so now I am eagerly waiting for the wedding album and the videos to have a look at their special evening.