Friday, August 7, 2009

Jackie's surgery

Well, we made it through surgery last Wednesday. The doctor confirmed that the ACL had completely torn! Jack did great! As you can see from the pictures, his haircut is just getting better and better. His front paw has a 4 x 4 inch area shaved from his surgery IV. His back left paw was shaved three weeks ago to repair the extreme cuts he sustained while lost in Ardmore, and now his entire back right leg is shaved from the ACL repair.
Despite being in a bit of post-surgery pain, he is doing quite well. Chris has relocated back to his parents house for the next four weeks to isolate Jack from our other three dogs and the activity level that we proudly maintain here in the Henson house. At Mom and Dads he can rest all day and sleep all night, avoiding stairs and day-to-day wrestling matches with Tex.
Pray for a quick recovery. Pray that both ACLs remain intact and healthy. Jack is hobbling around on three legs, thus we need prayer for BOTH ACLs. Pray for Christopher and myself. This is going to be an unorthodox month of our marriage. Lots of phone dates and visiting each other --- weird!
We're are so simply thankful that under any circumstance Jack is home with us. Tonight, I went over to spend sometime with my boys and it was such a wonderful feeling to have Jackson sleeping next to me, safe and sound.

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