Sunday, November 29, 2009

Of course our tree is real...

I grew up hiking through the snow at a tree farm in search of the family Christmas tree.  It was always real and dad always had to drag it back out of the woods as the three of us girls either attempted to help or simply walked along giddy over the new tree.  Now, getting my own tree is somewhat similar with a bit of a NC twist.

The Hensons drive all the way to Sparta, NC to find their Christmas trees. It's quite the adventure.  Most people in our area of NC, simply drive to their local K Mart parking lot or the nearest Christmas tree tent and buy a pre-cut tree.  It pains me to think of getting my tree from between the parking lot yellow lines! Goodness! So we go in search of a beautiful tree. There's no snow, but honestly, this is just as fun and much much warmer!

Found it!  It took me forever this year. Poor Chris found some beautiful trees, but they just didn't feel right. Sarah got her first tree and David and Joyce got just what they wanted as well!

Let the holiday decorating begin! I love Christmas more than any other time of the year.  It always brings out the best in those who truly understand love, blessings and the Lord.

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