Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spring Break 2010: Busy Rest

This past week was spring break for our school. With Christopher working, I opted to stay in town and enjoy vacation locally. It's been wonderful to make my own schedule, get things done and simple take a break from my school schedule. A few highlights from the week....

- Great weather! I didn't need to travel; it's been gorgeous!

- Music. I have managed to blare music in the house or my car as much as possible!

- The gym. Yup, I joined a women's gym and I love it. It's a place that is selfishly for me. No cleaning, to-do list or wifey priorities except myself. It's been awesome to prioritize me, which normally I never do.

- Reading. I love sitting on the porch, hearing the birds and reading.

- Watching AFV with CD. We're addicted. Evenings watching America's Funniest Home Videos with my sweetie is hilarious. We totally have winning footage that I need to submit!

- Time with friends. I love having the ability to visit with people and be encouraged. It's been great!

- Spring clean. Switching the clothes over and visiting Salvo was very productive.

- Yardwork. I can't help it. I naturally like hands on projects like my rental yard. Sticks got picked up and bricks got moved. The grill even got some lovin'.

- Doggies. They love being home all day with me. They are very chill when they are hanging out with mom all day. Bravo!

-Tutoring. One of my students wanted to get ahead over break and I was glad to help. That's one research paper down. Check!

-Zambia. I finally got my act together and sent a care package to Beth & Jeremy in Zambia! Can't wait for them to get it!

-Sangria. Chris and I enjoyed some sangria while cuddling up together for AFV. The only thing missing was stoagies. Why didn't we do that?

-Worship. Today is Easter and our church did a phenominal job of ministering and celebrating Christ's victory over the cross. This morning's service was alive and awesome! He is risen!

Happy Easter & Happy Break.

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