Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yay, for Memorial Day!

This weekend has been great! The forecasted rain held off and we took advantage of it! Saturday, I headed to the NC Wine Festival with Jessica and Charlotte. We packed a huge picnic and had a blast! From there Chris and I went to Jake's graduation party. Lots of friendly faces there. We are so excited for Mr. France! Then, in the late evening, Chris and the band played an outdoor set on Finnagan's back porch!

Sunday continued the fun. A fabulous Salem Chapel morning, followed by lunch with Kyle and Lorin from Wilmington (picture soon). We love these guys! A nap, and then family dinner one last time before Sarah heads to Haiti for a month. We watched Up!, grilled out and relaxed. 

Happy Memorial Day. Thank you Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Michael, Mark, Tyler, Jane, Dave, Mandy and Steve for serving our country.

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