Friday, July 16, 2010

4 Years

Yesterday was our 4 year anniversary! Where has the time gone? No one would call us newlyweds now, but we laughed yesterday realizing that we still feel like kids playing house. In four years we've grown so much and God has already taken us on wild adventures. To highlight a few: Chris going back to school, the search for a church, rescuing two dogs, missions to Russia, losing a dog, living in a 500 sq foot house, and now Kate going back to school --- and there is so much more. On to year number five....can't wait! Happy Anniversary!

 Now let's do a few flashbacks....

This was 2 weeks before our wedding. Already parents to two little puppies - Tex and Jackson.

Me and the lovely ladies... The best bridal party ever!
Mr. & Mrs. Henson - Day 1

1 comment:

Jude said...

happy anniversary, and wowza, what a gorgeous bride you made! (love the long hair too!)