Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Fetal thighs and the power house.

Yes, I am a pilates lady.  Let's be clear; I am a WINDSOR pilates lady. Mari Windsor's workouts do some serious damage to my surfaces. I love that I can make an impact on my body without sweating!  That just feels like cheating.  

Most pilate-e-ers would agree with me that while you work your muscles you also gain a sense of metal decompression.  I always feel "better" mentally when I finish.  Low effort; high payoff.  I wish we could have Chris comment on the silly positions he finds me in or the strange noises I make when I'm doing the fetal thighs series or using my power house.  Don't judge; I don't care how I look or sound, as long as my body parts stay where they are for the next few decades!

I just finished the workout after a vacation-week hiatus and had to declare that I'm back on track. Despite all the Hershey kisses I ate right before, I feel great!

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