Sunday, October 4, 2009

Dogs & Sticks: Story of my life.

Here we have Jack and Tex singing together. Better known as howling, these two are quite the vocal pair. Jack sings baritone while Tex takes second soprano. Loud; yes. Hilarious; yes.

Hopefully, at some point we will catch them on video for all of YouTube to see!

I referenced "sticks" in my title due to my hours of yard work this weekend. The weather was ideal and our yard continues to haunt my existence. I guess I am enough of a perfectionist that there is a deeply rooted hope for better aesthetics outside my window. We are renting, thus the insanity of this project. It's not even my yard and yet, I pine for greatness. Above, you see everything that I hauled out of the back yard. The picture does not do it justice.

This yard has more debris than a demo site. Here are all the bricks and stones that we continue to find amidst the bushes and trees. Yes, the gnome is ours. Not sure why he's in the brick pile?

Miss Hannah Girl on the porch.

Mr. Jackie on the porch. He can't help but pose, can he?

Great weekend. I love working outside. It is truly beginning to feel like fall here and that means two things: pumpkin pies and lots of leaves! I love October!

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