Monday, September 20, 2010

Fighting Nana

Our sweet Hannah continues to fight through great illness.  We thought that pancreatitis was the final diagnosis, but we were quite wrong.  After taking a turn for the worst on Thursday night, I readmitted her to the vet for help.  Concerned as well, our amazing vet decided to do exploratory surgery on Hannah's stomach to see what was causing all of the problems. 

Surgery seemed drastic and scary, but we had no choice.  The vet was right and saved Hannah's life by operating.  She found multiple pieces of a tennis ball stuck in Hannah's intestines.  Parts of the organ were dead and very sick.  Thus, post-surgery we returned to the E-vet for overnight treatment not knowing if Hannah would pull through the experience or not.

Our vet told us that such an evasive surgery is sometimes too much for the patient.  She shared that the next 7 days would be critical.  Let the prayer.... continue! Our friends and families have rallied around us so beautifully throughout this ordeal.  I know that Hannah's little body is constantly being touched with prayer.

Well, day 1 and day 2 went well. So well, that we got to bring her home last night. She was SOOOOO happy to not have an IV in her arm!  Kisses, kisses, kisses she gave us.  Now the fun begins --- can Hannah recover at home the way she was able to at the hospital?  Chris is the best daddy-nurse in the world for this!  We will continue to pray and take this process one step, one day at a time.

Three days down, four to go.  If we make it successfully through 7 days, the vets are very optimistic!

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